Get the rats out of New York (and the USA)...
The rat inhabitants of this despicable organization, that is. The Deputy Secretary General, Mark Malloch Brown, insulted the citizens of the U.S. for whining about U.N. reform, etc. He even went so far as to chastise us for listening to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. Now, I don't listen to Rush but I do listen to Fox News as they will report items that the mainstream Leftist media won't.
Who the hell does this Limey puppet of Kofi Annan think he is? He's lecturing us on what not to listen to, when he's got the BBC Leftist propaganda machine and all the other Brit tabloids printing trash on a daily basis?
The rats like him and Kofi squeal louder and louder as more people demand investigations into the corruption in this world body. Predictably, Annan defended Brown's statements. And why not? Annan and his goofy son are up to their eyeballs in the Oil For Food scandal, and yet he is still the Secretary General.
The Democraps in this country wailed and howled like jackals when John Bolton was nominated for Ambassador to the UN. They accused him of being too caustic, a bull in a china shop. Well, I for one appreciate his style of telling it like it is. These UN twerps need to hear the truth once in a while, even though it hurts.
Brown says the US needs the UN, and the UN needs the US. Yeah, sure. The UN needs the US dollars to keep it's illegal operation afloat, helping to support the innumerable cocktail parties, prostitutes, drugs, and general entertainment that these fine people enjoy.
Mr. Brown can go to hell, and I wish he would take the rest of the pathetic UN organization with him.
The rat inhabitants of this despicable organization, that is. The Deputy Secretary General, Mark Malloch Brown, insulted the citizens of the U.S. for whining about U.N. reform, etc. He even went so far as to chastise us for listening to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. Now, I don't listen to Rush but I do listen to Fox News as they will report items that the mainstream Leftist media won't.
Who the hell does this Limey puppet of Kofi Annan think he is? He's lecturing us on what not to listen to, when he's got the BBC Leftist propaganda machine and all the other Brit tabloids printing trash on a daily basis?
The rats like him and Kofi squeal louder and louder as more people demand investigations into the corruption in this world body. Predictably, Annan defended Brown's statements. And why not? Annan and his goofy son are up to their eyeballs in the Oil For Food scandal, and yet he is still the Secretary General.
The Democraps in this country wailed and howled like jackals when John Bolton was nominated for Ambassador to the UN. They accused him of being too caustic, a bull in a china shop. Well, I for one appreciate his style of telling it like it is. These UN twerps need to hear the truth once in a while, even though it hurts.
Brown says the US needs the UN, and the UN needs the US. Yeah, sure. The UN needs the US dollars to keep it's illegal operation afloat, helping to support the innumerable cocktail parties, prostitutes, drugs, and general entertainment that these fine people enjoy.
Mr. Brown can go to hell, and I wish he would take the rest of the pathetic UN organization with him.
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