Bobs Rants and Raves

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Only God and the pinhead voters of Rhode Island and Massachusetts love them...

Ha ha! The Ambien made me do it! Even funnier, Patty Boy refused to pull over when directed by a police car and then proceeded to hit a security barrier head on! Ha ha! Those amusing Kennedy boys! One fun-loving escapade of murder, drugs, rape, DWIs (x 3,287 by Ted alone) and other unreported transgressions after another.

It WOULD almost be funny, except for the fact that if it were you or I who:

- drowned a young staffer and refused to notify the police until 12 hours later, or
- raped a young girl in Florida, or
- led the Capitol Police on a car chase and hit a barrier,


And the Democraps call the White House and Republicans a "culture of corruption"? Excuse me? The elitist, untouchable Kennedys get a pass every time...

Fat-Head Ted had the cohones recently to demand that SecDef Rumsfeld be held completely accountable for his actions. Ha ha! It's amazing that Teddy Boy could formulate a concept of accountability when it's a foreign concept for him personally.

While we are on the subject of Patty Boy, he made an interesting statement recently himself. I'm paraphrasing here, but he basically said that he "was treated just like any African American in D.C. if they did the same thing". I guarantee that if a Republican uttered those racist words, the jackals would still be howling for his head on a stick.

Don't misunderstand me - I think the Republicans are just as guilty. In fact, I tend to despise the overwhelming majority of the Senators and Congressmen. They don't care about the welfare of the country, just what kind of games they can play to get reelected. That's all that counts, and don't you forget it.

ARROGANCE AND HYPOCRISY. The two most defining attributes of these elected, public servants.

I plan on voting for the challenger in every election from now on. Remember the movement a few years ago? It was akin to Throw the Bastards Out. That's what I intend to do...


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