Bobs Rants and Raves

Thursday, June 15, 2006


We have met the enemy and he is us...

A quote from the famous Pogo comic strip and it's as relevant today as way back then. The morning news today had an article that, once again, sent my blood pressure soaring!

There is a large, ongoing operation by the Feds to round up illegal aliens of the worse kind: those with criminal records. The operation is called "Return to Sender", and is snaring these invaders from the South in record numbers.

What has me particularly bent out of shape is the arrest at Dulles International Airport of 55 aliens that were working in the Secure Zone! Huh? How could that be? Didn't we learn anything after 9/11? Didn't the Feds increase security at the airports, especially the prime international location near our Nation's capital?

How the hell could the hiring official at Dulles bring these potential terrorists on board? No background check? No requirement to produce identification and proof of citizenship? I remember when my son was doing a culinary school internship in Breckrenridge, Colorado, and he had to prove he was a U.S. citizen! That was way back in 1991!

I sincerely hope the person responsible for the hiring of these illegals is FIRED. But, knowing how the Feds operate, and especially if there's a civil service union involved, he/she will be promoted and moved out of that location.

The Roman Empire imploded from within and we seem to be on a fast track to do the same.


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