Bobs Rants and Raves

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Is that what it will really take to wake up America?

I sincerely hope not. The attack on the World Trade Center will be 5 years ago soon, yet we are mired in partisan politics. The game of "gotcha" is stronger than ever, with our esteemed elected representatives placing a priority on two issues:

1. their reelection
2. insuring their party controls Congress

Wait a minute. Shouldn't their priority be protecting the citizens of this country? Shouldn't they be working together to pass common sense legislation that affects our safety and well being?

No, the vitriolic environment not only persists in D.C., but it's getting worse. And in light of this tragic climate, we find out that Al Qaeda planned an attack using Cyanide in the New York subway system.

Ron Suskind has penned an investigative book "The One Percent Solution". In it, he claims that an informant within Al Qaeda revealed that Ayman al-Zawahari called off the attack even though they had perfected a way to release the deadly gas in the confined space of the subway system.

It would have killed as many or more than the victims of the WTC attacks. The big question is why was it called off?

Amazingly, Major Bloomberg of New York City ordered the police department to stop random searches of subway riders that had suspicious backpacks or bags. It was idiotic then and now is even more ludicrous with the above revelation. Remember? The police had to politely ask the rider if they could search his/her bag. If the rider said "no", they then had thank them and back off.

What a sick joke Bloomberg played on the 9/11 city. What the hell's wrong with these so-called leaders? Is it political correctness gone totally amok? I tend to think so. We place people's "feelings" over the safety of their fellow citizens.

And what is the difference between airports searching 100% of bags and the subway system doing it? A subway train, during rush hour, holds a hell of a lot more people than one aircraft. I think the analogy holds: BOTH should have 100% searches. If you need to carry a backpack into the subway, be prepared to have it inspected in the interest of safety. And the ACLU be damned...

When will this country wake up? What kind of horrific tragedy will have to be played on the American people before they recognize Islam for what it is: a cancer that is metastasizing around the globe.

If you can read this, thank a soldier. If not for our freedom defenders, I couldn't write this tiny blog. Don't thank the politicians, as they would either forbid it or tax it to line their greedy pockets.


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