Our soldiers are mutilated, desecrated, tortured and murdered...
Yet not one peep out of all the so-called Human Rights activists, Amnesty International, the International Red Cross, and all the pinhead Democraps like Murtha, Kennedy, and the others!
Our two soldiers were DEFILED and DESECRATED by Islamic ragheads. They had their testicles cut off and stuffed in their mouths, tortured, mutilated and throats slit. They were also booby-trapped so more US soldiers could be killed. There was nothing identifiable on these two heroes, just pieces. DNA had to be collected to ID them.
Not ONE effin Muslim leader has commented on this nor condemned it. The low-life Democraps won't even offer their condolences to the victims' families, yet alone condemn it.
Murtha came out of his hole and was the judge and jury on the incident at Haditha, WITHOUT having the facts in hand. This pile of feces had the nerve to condemn US Marines for something that was not proved, yet he won't condemn the barbaric ragheads for their horrific acts!
Gitmo? The Geneva Convention? Oh, I get it. It only applies to the U.S. Some terrorists claim they were tortured at Gitmo (and it was proved they weren't) and the Red Cross, Human Rights people and other assorted assholes (I'll include Jimmy Peanuthead Carter on this one) come to their defense.
Where the hell are all these hypocritical dipsticks now? As far as I'm concerned, let's just nuke every Islamic country and get it over with. They have no morals, they respect nothing but their phony gutteral religion, and are hell-bent on forcing Islam onto countries around the globe.
It hurts every time I read about a soldier dying over there, but this particular barbarism is the worst. My heartfelt sympathies go out to the family and friends of these two fine soldiers that were in Iraq to help the Iraqi people. This is what they got for their efforts.
Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, Texas, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Oregon
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