Bobs Rants and Raves

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


From pedophiles and other twisted perverts...

This one got my blood pressure soaring to record heights today!:

"(Reuters): Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Web site it would be officially registered Wednesday, proclaiming: "We are going to shake the Hague awake!, said Ad Van
Den Berg".
I would love to get my hands around the throat of this perv and slowly choke the life out of his pathetic, worthless body. But, on the other hand, I wouldn't want to touch him. Maybe I could use a garrot or a wire...

These twisted SOBs probably won't be able to form an official government party due to the outrage their statements have sparked, even in the permissive, ultra-liberal Netherlands. Dutch politicians were energized to stop this insanity.

What bothers me the most about this is that I've been asking anyone who will listen where do you draw the line with sexual orientation? The pervs in the U.S. have brainwashed a generation of children and some addle-headed adults into thinking that gay/lesbian rights equate to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Total BS. There is no rational nor philosophical correlation that can be made between the two.

Am I anti-gay/lesbian? Surprisingly, no. I could care less what consenting adults do in their bedrooms, etc. It is nothing more than a sexual orientation, so be it.

What does set my fuzz on fire are the following:
  • gay/lesbian activists who shove their lifestyle down my throat (ugh!) when I didn't ask them for their opinion
  • gay/lesbian activists who co-opt (brainwash) small children in school into thinking theirs is a normal life style (the two daddy or two mommy households illustrated in children's coloring books)
  • the school systems that encourage and celebrate gay/lesbian activities and brainwashing
  • the ACLU for defending NAMBLA
Don't know what NAMBLA is? It's the North American Man-Boy Love Association. I kid you not. These freaks are organized and defended by the equally pathetic ACLU to foster pedophilia. They think it's normal for a man to do vile things to a child, in the name of "love".

Would you like your child in their company? What if the Dutch perversion finds it's way to the U.S. and they establish an organized presence. And start changing laws. Because they will immediately classify themselves as "victims" and claim they have a constitutional right to bugger little boys. Are you ready for that?

And the ACLU will, in their usual arrogant fashion, represent these loonies. Don't think it can happen? Think again.

The downhill slide of nuveau-Rome is accelerating. Time to stop the insanity.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Take time for some reflection this weekend...

We all enjoy the long weekend at the beach, the mountains or the backyard barbeque. And rightfully so. But it's not about that nor shopping at the malls.

From the web site "Memorial Day Origin (

"Memorial days did not start in Petersburg, Virginia; Waterloo, New York; or any other city in the United States. Memorial days upon which the graves of the communities' heroes were decorated with flowers and garlands are ancient customs originating in Greece 2,500 years ago.

Memorial days were set aside during the American Civil War in both the United States and the Confederate States of America.

Following the Civil War, also known as the War Between the States, various communities started having memorial services for the war dead. The city of Waterloo, New York was officially recognized as the place where the first memorial services were held after the Civil War.

Petersburg, Virginia, has a clear, unbroken, logical chain of events making it the inspiration for and origin of the NATIONAL Memorial Day."

Like so many other National holidays, we tend to lose sight of the true meaning: To memorialize our war dead. Whether you agree with the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or not, please remember that those who died did so in the service of our country, for us and for future generations.

And since the draft ended in the mid-1970s, everyone who has served since then did so willingly and unselfishly. "All gave some, some gave all".

I think back to my dad who entered the Navy in 1936 at age 16 with a forged birth certificate. He was at sea during the entire duration of WWII, on a destroyer and engaged in some fierce battles. He was also on ship off the coast of Korea during that war. Tom Brokaw called these men and women "The Greatest Generation". They were, and are rapidly leaving us each day.

I think back to when I was stationed at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Saigon from 1968-1969. Each day in the early morning flat-bed tractor trailers lined up at the Mortuary next to the Dispensary where I worked. Every truck had a line of silver-colored coffins on it. There were a lot of trucks, as regulations prohibit stacking the coffins. The trucks were going to the flight line for the remains of these fallen comrades to go home. It was a sad sight. And it repeated every day while I was there.

Please take a few moments and silently reflect and thank those that gave their lives defending us and our freedoms we enjoy.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Best Senators Money Can Buy

My first post and it's a rant...

Our illustrious elected representatives, specifically the Senate, voted and approved the Illegal Amnesty Bill yesterday. Yeah, I know, it's really not entitled "Amnesty" but that's what it amounts to if you read the contents of this abomination.

First off, I am NOT anti-immigrant. My ancestors, like 99.9% of yours, came to the U.S. in a legal manner. Remember Ellis Island? What I AM against is allowing criminals to sneak into our country, no matter what their origin, and set up shop here.

Without going into too many details, here are some of the more egregious parts of the bill:

  • allowing ILLEGALS to collect Social Security in the future; yes, some have paid into it but they are here ILLEGALLY and working for someone ILLEGALLY.
  • preventing federal law enforcement officers from prosecuting the ILLEGALS! If they do, they face a $10,000 fine for doing their jobs!
  • requiring the U.S. to consult with Mexican President Vicente Fox before building the border wall!
It goes on and on in a mind-numbing assault on common sense. At this point in time, I feel Bush and the Senators that voted for this are traitors to you and me. They are giving ILLEGALS more rights than legal citizens, and setting up the country for an extension of Mexico up to the Canadian border.

The Latino population is the fastest-growing segment in the country, a factoid that's in the minds of every one of these pathetic Senators. They certainly acted on it, pandering to the Hispanic community rather than listening to the thoughts of their constituents.

I saw Congressman Chris Shay (R-CT) on the news this morning. He said he changed his mind on this issue AFTER going to some town hall meetings. He heard it loud and clear that his voters do NOT support amnesty, nor any of the other provisions of this bill. What I would like to know is why didn't Congressman Shay listen to his folks from the beginning? Is he as out of touch with his constituents as everyone else seems to be, or was he horrified at the proposition that he would be voted out of office if he DIDN'T change his mind? I think the latter.

To further illustrate the arrogance of these senators, some of they have admitted that they voted for the bill KNOWING that the House would not pass it! They were just going through the motions so they could tell their Latino voters they tried and then blame the House for not passing it. They make me sick...

The contradictory aspect of all this is the position taken by a lot of Hispanic citizens - the majority are outraged at the ILLEGAL situation and are demanding that people apply for citizenship through the established process in place.

The old cartoon Pogo summed this all up very nicely: "We have met the enemy and it's us".