Bobs Rants and Raves

Friday, June 23, 2006


They will do anything to sell their Anti-American rag...

Once again, the New York Times has published an article that reveals a classified operation being used in the war on terror. And very successfully, according to news accounts.

The U.S. government has been tapping into global wire transfers involving people of interest, crippling the funding of Al Qaeda operations.

Before anyone starts screaming about government abuse:

  1. It doesn't involve any ordinary U.S. citizens, just those that are trying to destroy our country.
  2. No one has complained of any abuse of power
  3. It is not abusive in itself.
So why does the NYT insist on putting Americans at risk with the revelation of this classified material? My belief is that it is journalistic arrogance at best, and anti-Bush at worst. They are NOT exposing any constitutional abuse. They are not exposing any erosion of civil liberties. They ARE placing you and me in harm's way through their totally irresponsible printing of classified material.

The executive editor of the NYT and the publisher should be arrested for treason. They are aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States. And the government lacky that leaked the information to the NYT should be convicted and sentenced to prison.

If I leaked ANY classified info while in the military, I would be serving time right now in a fed prison. If the Bush administration doesn't get tough and prosecute these worthless idiots that leak classified info, they should assume as much of the blame as the Leftist Liberal news media.

I would love to see a boycott of this newspaper. But, the short-sighted microcephalics that love to destroy the US will still buy it.

This is not a matter of Free Press - it's a matter of publishing secret government programs. The enemies of the US must be laughing their filthy asses off...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Our soldiers are mutilated, desecrated, tortured and murdered...

Yet not one peep out of all the so-called Human Rights activists, Amnesty International, the International Red Cross, and all the pinhead Democraps like Murtha, Kennedy, and the others!

Our two soldiers were DEFILED and DESECRATED by Islamic ragheads. They had their testicles cut off and stuffed in their mouths, tortured, mutilated and throats slit. They were also booby-trapped so more US soldiers could be killed. There was nothing identifiable on these two heroes, just pieces. DNA had to be collected to ID them.

Not ONE effin Muslim leader has commented on this nor condemned it. The low-life Democraps won't even offer their condolences to the victims' families, yet alone condemn it.

Murtha came out of his hole and was the judge and jury on the incident at Haditha, WITHOUT having the facts in hand. This pile of feces had the nerve to condemn US Marines for something that was not proved, yet he won't condemn the barbaric ragheads for their horrific acts!

Gitmo? The Geneva Convention? Oh, I get it. It only applies to the U.S. Some terrorists claim they were tortured at Gitmo (and it was proved they weren't) and the Red Cross, Human Rights people and other assorted assholes (I'll include Jimmy Peanuthead Carter on this one) come to their defense.

Where the hell are all these hypocritical dipsticks now? As far as I'm concerned, let's just nuke every Islamic country and get it over with. They have no morals, they respect nothing but their phony gutteral religion, and are hell-bent on forcing Islam onto countries around the globe.

It hurts every time I read about a soldier dying over there, but this particular barbarism is the worst. My heartfelt sympathies go out to the family and friends of these two fine soldiers that were in Iraq to help the Iraqi people. This is what they got for their efforts.

Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, Texas, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Oregon


Monday, June 19, 2006


Here's a copy of my email to my Congressman I sent today:

Jun 19, 2006

Representative John McHugh
United States House of Representatives
2333 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0001

Dear Representative McHugh,

This week you are scheduled to vote on H.R. 4890, the Legislative
Line-Item Veto Act of 2006. This legislation will provide the
President with the ability to remove wasteful spending and
special-interest tax breaks from legislation while preserving
congressional power to appropriate funds.

With Line-Item Veto authority, the President can help ensure that
taxpayer dollars are not wasted on costly earmarks or wasteful
programs that are often tucked into bills behind closed doors, in the
dead of night. As a taxpayer, I am disgusted by the proliferation of
self-serving, pork-barrel spending and outraged that during this time
of war and record deficits you are spending my hard-earned tax dollars
on "Bridges to Nowhere," indoor tropical rainforests, teapot
museums, and other frivolous projects.

The scandals surrounding convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and former
Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham have highlighted all
too clearly how parochial and special-interest earmarks corrupt
Congress and the legislative process. Mr. Abramoff even called the
appropriations committees, "earmark favor factories"!

Your vote in favor of the Legislative Line-Item Veto Act of 2006 will
help restore fiscal discipline and accountability to Washington. I
urge you to vote YES on H.R. 4890.

The amount of pork in bills is disgusting. The public knows it, the elected representatives know it, yet nothing is done about it.

Send an easy email to your elected representative through the Citizens Against Government Waste at:

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Is that what it will really take to wake up America?

I sincerely hope not. The attack on the World Trade Center will be 5 years ago soon, yet we are mired in partisan politics. The game of "gotcha" is stronger than ever, with our esteemed elected representatives placing a priority on two issues:

1. their reelection
2. insuring their party controls Congress

Wait a minute. Shouldn't their priority be protecting the citizens of this country? Shouldn't they be working together to pass common sense legislation that affects our safety and well being?

No, the vitriolic environment not only persists in D.C., but it's getting worse. And in light of this tragic climate, we find out that Al Qaeda planned an attack using Cyanide in the New York subway system.

Ron Suskind has penned an investigative book "The One Percent Solution". In it, he claims that an informant within Al Qaeda revealed that Ayman al-Zawahari called off the attack even though they had perfected a way to release the deadly gas in the confined space of the subway system.

It would have killed as many or more than the victims of the WTC attacks. The big question is why was it called off?

Amazingly, Major Bloomberg of New York City ordered the police department to stop random searches of subway riders that had suspicious backpacks or bags. It was idiotic then and now is even more ludicrous with the above revelation. Remember? The police had to politely ask the rider if they could search his/her bag. If the rider said "no", they then had thank them and back off.

What a sick joke Bloomberg played on the 9/11 city. What the hell's wrong with these so-called leaders? Is it political correctness gone totally amok? I tend to think so. We place people's "feelings" over the safety of their fellow citizens.

And what is the difference between airports searching 100% of bags and the subway system doing it? A subway train, during rush hour, holds a hell of a lot more people than one aircraft. I think the analogy holds: BOTH should have 100% searches. If you need to carry a backpack into the subway, be prepared to have it inspected in the interest of safety. And the ACLU be damned...

When will this country wake up? What kind of horrific tragedy will have to be played on the American people before they recognize Islam for what it is: a cancer that is metastasizing around the globe.

If you can read this, thank a soldier. If not for our freedom defenders, I couldn't write this tiny blog. Don't thank the politicians, as they would either forbid it or tax it to line their greedy pockets.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


We have met the enemy and he is us...

A quote from the famous Pogo comic strip and it's as relevant today as way back then. The morning news today had an article that, once again, sent my blood pressure soaring!

There is a large, ongoing operation by the Feds to round up illegal aliens of the worse kind: those with criminal records. The operation is called "Return to Sender", and is snaring these invaders from the South in record numbers.

What has me particularly bent out of shape is the arrest at Dulles International Airport of 55 aliens that were working in the Secure Zone! Huh? How could that be? Didn't we learn anything after 9/11? Didn't the Feds increase security at the airports, especially the prime international location near our Nation's capital?

How the hell could the hiring official at Dulles bring these potential terrorists on board? No background check? No requirement to produce identification and proof of citizenship? I remember when my son was doing a culinary school internship in Breckrenridge, Colorado, and he had to prove he was a U.S. citizen! That was way back in 1991!

I sincerely hope the person responsible for the hiring of these illegals is FIRED. But, knowing how the Feds operate, and especially if there's a civil service union involved, he/she will be promoted and moved out of that location.

The Roman Empire imploded from within and we seem to be on a fast track to do the same.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


You and I paid for sex change operations, booze, sports tickets, etc...

Arrghh! The government waste gets worse by the day, and they are wasting the money you and I paid through our taxes while we worked. Foreign aid, pork projects, etc., and now the Katrina scams.

Here are some of the fraudulent payouts to the scumbags that capitalize on disasters and peoples' misfortunes:

- An all-inclusive, one-week Caribbean vacation in the Punta Cana resort in the Dominican Republic.

- Five season tickets to New Orleans Saints professional football games.

- Adult erotica products in Houston and "Girls Gone Wild" videos in Santa Monica, Calif.

- Dom Perignon champagne and other alcoholic beverages in San Antonio.

- $1,000 payout to a Houston divorce lawyer

- an individual who used 13 different Social Security numbers — including the person's own — to receive $139,000 in payments on 13 separate registrations for aid. All the payments were sent to a single address.

- In another instance, FEMA paid an individual $2,358 in rental assistance, while at the same time paying about $8,000 for the same person to stay 70 nights at more than $100 per night in a Hawaii hotel.

- The GAO said it was 95 percent confident that improper and potentially fraudulent payments were much higher — between $600 million and $1.4 billion.

All of these were done courtesy of the FEMA debit cards, paid by us. No attempt was made by FEMA to verify the identity of the so-called victims, nor for what the "victims" were buying. There were no limits set on the card.

Totally disgusting and my guess is that they won't prosecute these low-life scumbags. If you or I cheated on our taxes in the amount of $1,000, we would be prosecuted, fined and have a federal crime on our records.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Only God and the pinhead voters of Rhode Island and Massachusetts love them...

Ha ha! The Ambien made me do it! Even funnier, Patty Boy refused to pull over when directed by a police car and then proceeded to hit a security barrier head on! Ha ha! Those amusing Kennedy boys! One fun-loving escapade of murder, drugs, rape, DWIs (x 3,287 by Ted alone) and other unreported transgressions after another.

It WOULD almost be funny, except for the fact that if it were you or I who:

- drowned a young staffer and refused to notify the police until 12 hours later, or
- raped a young girl in Florida, or
- led the Capitol Police on a car chase and hit a barrier,


And the Democraps call the White House and Republicans a "culture of corruption"? Excuse me? The elitist, untouchable Kennedys get a pass every time...

Fat-Head Ted had the cohones recently to demand that SecDef Rumsfeld be held completely accountable for his actions. Ha ha! It's amazing that Teddy Boy could formulate a concept of accountability when it's a foreign concept for him personally.

While we are on the subject of Patty Boy, he made an interesting statement recently himself. I'm paraphrasing here, but he basically said that he "was treated just like any African American in D.C. if they did the same thing". I guarantee that if a Republican uttered those racist words, the jackals would still be howling for his head on a stick.

Don't misunderstand me - I think the Republicans are just as guilty. In fact, I tend to despise the overwhelming majority of the Senators and Congressmen. They don't care about the welfare of the country, just what kind of games they can play to get reelected. That's all that counts, and don't you forget it.

ARROGANCE AND HYPOCRISY. The two most defining attributes of these elected, public servants.

I plan on voting for the challenger in every election from now on. Remember the movement a few years ago? It was akin to Throw the Bastards Out. That's what I intend to do...

Friday, June 09, 2006


Get the rats out of New York (and the USA)...

The rat inhabitants of this despicable organization, that is. The Deputy Secretary General, Mark Malloch Brown, insulted the citizens of the U.S. for whining about U.N. reform, etc. He even went so far as to chastise us for listening to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. Now, I don't listen to Rush but I do listen to Fox News as they will report items that the mainstream Leftist media won't.

Who the hell does this Limey puppet of Kofi Annan think he is? He's lecturing us on what not to listen to, when he's got the BBC Leftist propaganda machine and all the other Brit tabloids printing trash on a daily basis?

The rats like him and Kofi squeal louder and louder as more people demand investigations into the corruption in this world body. Predictably, Annan defended Brown's statements. And why not? Annan and his goofy son are up to their eyeballs in the Oil For Food scandal, and yet he is still the Secretary General.

The Democraps in this country wailed and howled like jackals when John Bolton was nominated for Ambassador to the UN. They accused him of being too caustic, a bull in a china shop. Well, I for one appreciate his style of telling it like it is. These UN twerps need to hear the truth once in a while, even though it hurts.

Brown says the US needs the UN, and the UN needs the US. Yeah, sure. The UN needs the US dollars to keep it's illegal operation afloat, helping to support the innumerable cocktail parties, prostitutes, drugs, and general entertainment that these fine people enjoy.

Mr. Brown can go to hell, and I wish he would take the rest of the pathetic UN organization with him.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I celebrate the death today of Abu Al Zarqawi!

This prime Islamic terrorist met his deserved fate today when his "safe house" was bombed. My only regret is that he probably died an instant death rather than a slow, painful one.

If there is a hell, I hope he has a special spot there for his beheadings of innocent people and the bombing deaths of countless others. No virgins, no paradise for you buddy.

Now for the rest of these Islamic fanatics....

Monday, June 05, 2006


Someone please put a bullet between this twerp's eyes...

This deranged leader of a terrorist country now says they will stop all oil shipments if the U.S. "makes the wrong move towards Iran". I would love to see it happen, as it just might force this country to take alternative fuels more seriously.

Brazil hasn't imported one drop of oil in 30 years since they went 100% ethanol. If we could emulate their ethanol infrastructure and logistics, and cut our oil imports in half by 2016, it would seriously hurt Iran and Venezuela's oil revenues.

While on the subject, let's also put a bullet in the Venezuelan Bandito's head. Hugo Chavez just might be worse than the Iranian leader (I know I'll misspell his name) as he is right at our southern doorstep. Did I mention he also has a former peanut-head president in his back pocket? Yeah, Jimmy just can't keep his pie hole shut. He completely adores Fidel, Hugo, and the other usual gang of suspects.

Here's my suggestion:

We find (if it's possible) a real Arab that speaks the native tongue and pay him 1 million dollars to infiltrate the Iranian leadership and assassinate the Iranian leader. Much cheaper than military intervention over there and would save American service members lives.

I hope we didn't destroy too many nukes in the 90s, as we now need a LOT of them pointed at a LOT of targets in this world. It's us or them....